Monday, July 9, 2012

A moment of change

This world we live in has people who do not have time to appreciate an effort put by the other. One too many a times we have heard moments when we almost gave up. That time when walking away and turning our backs was the best decision we could ever make.

I have been frustrated right to the core. I believe as I work daily, I should be learning new things, growing in my understanding, analysis and critical thinking towards issues. I should be able to look back and say, I learned so much at this time, but when you spend so much time and fail to point at a point of growth, then, in my view, it is the moment of change.

Change has never been easy, but when change happens, as it is bound to, because the only constant thing in life is change, and it makes one question their commitment to a cause, then it is a prudent time to find out if the change was/is worth it.

I mean, the reason why even Ecclesiastes point to why it is better to stay in a corner of a room, than in a big house with quarrel means it happens that around you, there is going to come a time when you make a decision to move away from the situation, to where you feel comfortable, welcome and able to grow.

People take meekness for foolishness, and they take for granted your positioning in society for their own ego. It is okay. But, why should one be a tail, when they are cut out to be the head.

I am inspired each time I look at Joseph. God had chosen him and cut him out from the rest of his brethren, and these where jealous of him, unbeknown to them, that they were racing against God's calling on Joseph, rather than the physical affection given him by his father.

Just like today, we are in situations that are preparing us for a springboard in life. We are in the blast furnace of life. Being prepared immensely to take on the next challenge, with zeal, confidence and passion. We only need the training, so we endure now, to enjoy the fruits later. The word of God says, those who sow in tears, shall reap in joy!

The hardships of today are merely pushing towards the day when a moment of change will be triggered by some events. Pure gold is purified only with fire!

How ready are we for that change though?

Are we prepared to learn knew things? Are we prepared for a changed environment? A changed people? A changed circumstance? Are we even prepared to go through what it takes to be the best there ever is?

Are you prepared to move out of the comfort zone?

I am.

Father God, we thank you for giving us opportunities to grow, to experience and to learn. May you teach us, to hear your voice when you whisper in our ears and hearts for that moment of change. May we be quick to hear, quick to act and slow to give excuses. Teach us Lord, to be attentive to you, and to let all our burdens into your hands, for your Glory. Give us the strength oh Lord to endure the hardships so that our faith may be increased. May we begin, and end strongly for your name to be glorified, in Jesus name, Amen.

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