Monday, September 17, 2012

5 minutes of raising your arms...

Just take your phone, or clock and time yourself for five minutes as you raise your arms in the air - and do whatever you want to do during that time; pray, sing, worship or simply concentrate on the pain, whatever you do, just do not put your hands down!

Have you done so?? If you have, you will realise that it is painful. Now imagine doing that for twelve hours... Mmmmmh, yeah, painful indeed.

Moses did that when the children of Israel where battling with the Amalekites (Exodus 17 vs 8 - 16), and thankfully God gave him people to support him.
In this life, when we take an oath to serve the Lord, it is not an easy task hey. No. It will be a taxing experience. 

Taxing because people take christianity as a religion - so they are on it, but as soon as the tide gets tough, they retreat and resort to other less painful and 'available' means of assistance.

This is not to say they never heard the word or the understanding that God is their help in times of trouble and tribulation, as much as he is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is there all the time.

It will take a bit more pain, a bit more pushing, a bit more of denying one self in favour of serving the almighty God. I know for starters that i did let go at one point, pulled back my arms, but realised there could be nothing as sweet as raising those arms in praise of God. 

When we did that exercise during an all night prayer meeting in Dzivarasekwa at the BOC-YP session, I put my hands down for a while, then subsequently threw them back in the air. I realised that I had literally done that with my spiritual life - given up when the first instance of pain was felt.

But I thank God, he is faithful enough to forgive a person when they repent. Everyday of my life, since the weekend, I have said God, help me. Alone, I can not do it. I want to rest in you because you know my pain, you have endured it before, and you know the exact feeling.

Life is not about giving up - it is about pressing on even when everything is standing against you. I want to encourage a soul out there, that never in your lifetime should you think of giving up on God, because he will never give up on you. No matter how painful it gets, praise God and keep on holding on to him, and he will never disappoint you. And another thing I learnt, whatever work you do in God's kingdom, it never goes in vain, it is never wasted, it is an investment - you can count on God.

Lord Jesus, my heart was growing weary, but at the instance of the Cross, my heart is reminded that you are holding me despite the pain. lord I glorify you and give you praise, because out of the pain, there is knowledge and happiness of the victory ahead. I want to know you more Lord, and to hold on to you in all circumstances. thank you for the way that you loved me. Your name be glorified, forever and ever, Amen.

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