Thursday, July 19, 2012

Enduring situations for our ultimate good...

In life, one should not be a sympathy seeker - you know why? Everyone is embroiled in their own problems to be concerned about your own.

I know this may sound crazy- we have prayer partners for particular causes that we are pushing through to make this country a better place, we have prayer groups where we share the word of God and pray, but you know what, the devil has a way of swaying you to stop focusing on the great God but to focus on the situations he brings in our midst.

A prayerful mother, an advisor to youth group, finds out her own daughter is pregnant for a man who gets away and needs no association with the girl  - what of her reputation??

Think of what goes on in her mind - I was advising all these young people, yet my child would not heed my words.. Where did i go wrong? Am I a bad parent? What is it?

And it is not her alone. Listen to what her peers say, whether in her face or behind her back - what can she advise our children? Her own child brought a fatherless baby. They want to look like they know too much yet they are failing to organize themselves...

The list goes on and on.

In life, it is important to know how to handle pressure and situations. I am just thinking of Jesus, in the midst of a crisis, when he knew he will be hanged on the cross, when he knew he was sinless yet  will go through the pain of death, will, despite his shaking, hold a delicate , young child on his lap and teaches with great composure and authority.

Knowing he was a child of God, yet fearing the cup awaiting him, but confident that he was doing it for God's glory. At times, God allows us to go through situations so that we may learn and grow.

These situations are not going to be easy, no way, otherwise anyone can be successful.

Quitters do not win and winners do not quit. The paths are always bad, but that is the idea, because, those that run in a race run to win the price. There is only one price, out of all the athletes. Thats what shows the difference, between the serious runners, and those that do it just for fun. The one who is serious trains self for the price, prays as if everything depends on God and runs as if everything depends on him.

God will not throw the trophy at you, you ought to run and outcompete the others for the crown to come. God did not throw down the Ark, he asked Noah to build it. God did not throw Joseph on a throne, he had to go through processes to confirm his purpose. David did not just become a king, he had to be a shepherd first, a palace musician, a sheep protector, a giant slayer, a fugitive, before he took up the post.

All these could have given up given nothing came as finished products, but they had to endure to get the crown. It is the same with us. We have to go through situations to make us strong and to guide us so that we may become effective and better leaders in life. (James 1 vs 2)

So, stop kidding yourself, patch up and face the trials as they come, because something big has been created in you for God's glory.

Lord Jesus, may you give us a heart to endure, a meek heart to follow instructions and a desire to run the race to win it. Forgive us for looking away from your throne of grace and focusing on our failed strength. May you renew our minds Lord, that we may endure the trials and tribulations because you  overcame the world on our behalf. Make us strong, and open to your teachings and encouragement that we may work hard as you give us direction, In Jesus mighty name, Amen. 

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