Thursday, July 12, 2012

For such a time as this...

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? Esther 4 vs 14

When we were born, at this time, we were born to meet a particular need that only we can meet and fulfill.  It is therefore important to look at yourself and closely analyse those areas in your life that continue to bother you and frustrate you so much you want to see a change – that is your calling.

When God created man, he did not just decide to fill the earth with purposeless individuals, but with people called to manage God’s affairs on planet earth (Genesis 2 vs 5b).

It should not come as a surprise why we are in families we are in, why we live in the neighbourhood we live in or why we live in a country like ours, but what one should ask is: for what reason was I brought unto this earth?

When we look at the set up of our Zimbabwe situation for instance, where everything has been politicized, one wonders whether they actually have a purpose to serve, particularly when they are non-political creatures.

Everyone has a role to play all the same. take off your mindset and put on the mindset of God, which says where there is turbulence, there the fish can be caught. When it is day, at the deepest part of the sea, fish can be caught (Luke 5 vs 4).

The seemingly unreasonable will of God is what we have to live out in this season. Who knows, God put you in the world at such a time so that today, you are able to stand and defend God's people and his word.

When our nation is filled with angry beings, a true christian is called to stand up and speak peace, release and joy.

When our nation is filled with violence, a real christian is being asked to refrain from violence, fast, pray and act against violence.

When our nation is filled with corruption, the christian world, which in this part of the world is said to be 80%, must rise up and act against corruption!

We have got to come out of the zone of waiting for other people to free us. Zimbabwe will not be free until and unless those purposed to free the country do not rise up. Indeed, help will come from elsewhere, but the Christians, who do not meddle in politics, need to smell the coffee and that even God raise warriors to free the nation. He raise a choir to liberate a country. He raised simple men to speak against evil and injustice.
Today, you are being called to seek the Lord, hear what he has to say and follow his instructions to lead a purposeful life.

Father God we thank you. We thank you because you thought through before you created us. We were meant to fulfill a need, and we ask that you guide us towards fulfilling that which you asked us to do. May your name be glorified, and your instructions followed so that warriors, led by you, our Lord who is mighty to save, will arise and free the country from the devil. May those people, who are called to be your workman, rise up and take their positions, so that your Glory may be magnified. Thank you for the strength, thank you for constantly talking to your people, thank you for purposing me to lead a life for your glory, in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

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