Saturday, January 9, 2010

A God of all seasons

Did i ever mention, that the prayers that you do everyday are kept in your prayers bags? neatly categorised? Well, i just found out. Not that i did not know, but just that i wasn't so sure. There are those times in a christian's life that you hit a low, and are not exactly sure whether you are still in the same lane as God.

You feel a huge gulf that is there between you ang God, well I dont know if you have felt it but i have. Just recently, i was doing a bit of reflection on the past year and all that i did or did not manage to achieve. I realised that all the big things i achieved this year were not as a result of my prayers this year.

In fact, all i ever dreamt of then seem to have fallen into place this year. Like the job i have now, the stability i have now, its all through the dreams i have had growing up, coupled with the desire brought in by hardships, to see through the desires, that are being manifested in the physical. When God says yes, who can say no? when God locks, who can unlock? He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is. He knows it all for his knowlege is supreme. He knows the right time, place and person.

Don't give up if you have not achieved that which you set out to because there is God who is watching your every step and he loves you enough to know when the right time comes for you to get something. As we get into the new year, smile, hope and remain faithful for GOd is faithfull and he will forever remain so.

Dear God,
Thank you for everything you have done for me.
Thank you for keeping me alive throughout.
Thank you Jesus for continuously being with me.
I have felt cold, but your word came and gave me warmth.
I felt like giving up, but you created ways where there were no ways. God, the year was tough but you kept me going, thank you.
Even when i kept myself from you, you kept close to me.
When I did everything that opposed your statutes and ordinances, you still took me and told me i am special You told me i am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thank you Jehova.
In the coming year, i pray for your continued guidance, I thank you Lord Jesus,thank you holy spirit, thank you father.


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