Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The silence treatment..

Silence can just be the solution to many of our problems. Maybe we blow the trumpet a little bit earlier than we should. Maybe we are too arrogant to think about our actions, i mean, we are always right, right?

I set out to write this post some time last year, and i just left it at the first paragraph. So now when I was looking at it, i just wondered why?

Of course, we are human, and we react rather than respond to situations as they arise. Sometimes, the way we react usually is in bad taste. It is impulse reaction, and it can cause more damage than good. I was just reflecting on the book of James 3, and I realsied that the tongue indeed needs to be tamed.

Fine, the same bible says out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh, but how many times have we reacted to a situation and it is not a true reflection of everything in general. Fine, taken in the context, it may make a lot of sense, but as people begin to analyse the words, the statements, they begin to connote other things altogether.

Which brings me back to the issue of taming the tongue. There are some words we have said that we should never have said. But maybe it was best that the words were said- at least you were freed inside, right? Yes, it is good to release the pressure that mounts inside of you when certain things happen, but you have to have a way to release the tension. Not necessarily saying out vulgar words, not necessarily turn violent, but politely let known you disgruntlement.

I know it sounds crazy, what? When the temperature is high and tempers flaring then i have to calm down and be polite??

Sounds crazy doesn't it? I know it does. Even as I write this, I too am guilty of boiling and exploding when in disagreement. When dissapointed and I just spurt out that word, that can change a person's view of me. To me, that is the worst thing that could happen to a christian.

Have you never bumped into people commenting on that one brother or mother - "..is a christian but what comes out of their mouth is attrocious. They are just acting up"...OUCH!!

Christian brothers, sisters, let us live what we proclaim. One thing about christianity, and I will repeat - it is not a religion but a relationship. You do not follow motions, you live them. Every single thing around you has to proclaim the goodness of God in your life.

God has an amazing life for all of us, but we are being reminded, by James that we have to be quick to hear, but slow to speak. Some have always argued that we got one mouth unlike two ears, so that we use the ears more and the mouth less.

So, when you have to keep quiet to save a soul, then do so. When trouble comes and God tells you to close your mouth, do so hey, because at an appointed time, he is going to tell you to let it all out!

Thank you heavenly father for the greatness in you. Your wonderful ways, no one can understand, but we thank you because you always give us directions. Help me Lord to listen to you, and to be able to speak only those things that build and develop our communities. Teach us Lord to tame our tongues that all we do and say be unto your glory, in Jesus name. Amen.

I hope you will be blessed in all your endeavours because the tongue is a radar that will steer the body forward. God bless you abundantly.

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