Tuesday, May 31, 2011

...and hearing the word of God

So, just recently I sought to get back to reading the bible, from the very beginning. Well, I didn't. I ommitted the very first chapters and began reading from Genesis 9.

My issue is not really that I read the bible, but it is the conscious decision I made that I was going to try and read through a book and finish it and grasp the concept of where we are coming from and where we are going to, to find the premises and roots of all the figures we get later and deeper into the bible's pages.

It was quiet interesting, revealing and exposing at the same time going through the first book of the bible.

The problem we have as Christians these days is that we do not pay attention to God. I learned as I read the journey of Moses, later on in Exodus, that whatever Moses heard God tell him to say, he would say that and it would happen. Hardly do we realise that whenever we are in need, God knows better, and if we ask him, he will always tell us what to SAY or DO.

What we say has power to influence what we need done. Moses, when he was told to lift his rod at  the sea to part the waters, he would have decided not to obey the voice of God, but here is a man who depended entirely on God's leadership for him to be effective. He could have chosen to lead without depending on him, but Moses had been exposed to what God was capable of doing and trusted him for more and other humanly impossible actions.

That is what happens when you raise your faith, and it comes from hearing and hearing the word of God. If, for instance, on a daily basis, one dedicates themselves to, besides reading that christian book, reading the bible, we are sure to increase in our faith and ability to discern the voice of God. We usually have a tendency of substitutiong God's word with  christian books - they should work as aids to the reading of your bible, not the sole food you eat.

I have been amazed at the greatness of God that I just question why I ever doubt his capabilities??

Was listening to Louise Giglio's How Great is our God tour in Atlanta and I was stunned. The explanation of how great our God is in relation to the milkiway galaxy just amazed me. Fo amoment, I shrank in my own guilt of having limited God, limited his capabilities, limited what he can do for me in my own mind.

Which is why Paul says we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds!!

Our minds have a way of shrinking God and puffing us up. A way of creating the ways and pathways for ourselves, creating some super humans in us, but that is not it. God is fearful, his majesty expands beyond what we can see, or explain in our little minds.

God has made us to be what we are, and he remembers our fragile frames, and it is his grace and glory that protects us. We go around moving like we are larger than life, not acknowledging our weaknesses and sinfulness, not acknowledging that for us to be, God is somewhere watching over our every move, cause if one of his creations were to faulter, we would be squashed like we do mosquitoes, because we are that minute - yet God has seen it fit to send his only begotten son to die for our sins. I find that totally amazing, and i feel honoured to be in God's plan.

Friends, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, we need to acknowledge who God is, all the days of our lives. But we can only know of his greatness, when we read of his works, when we live in his plan, when we follow all that he instructs s to do, and when we experience his loving touch, we will expand our fath diameter, and we can learn to lean on God and not our own understanding.

My prayer as I pen this down is that, nomatter where we are, we have to know and identify the voice of God when he speaks to us. And for this to happen, we need to read his word and become familiar, with his commanding voice.

Heavenly father, we are amazed at how much you love us. We are small, weak, fragile and frail, and we need you to make us strong. Thank you for your son Jesus, and thank you for considering our frame and loving us in spite of our ignorance. Teach us your way Lord that we may fear your name, give us an undivided heart, that we may follow you. Increase our faith Lord, give us the passion, zeal and love to live under your wings, in Jesus name, Amen.

I hope you have been encouraged, because I have been cautioned, encouraged and restored.

Let us be open to hearing the word of God, always.....

God bless you.

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