Wednesday, May 18, 2011

That explains it...or does it?

A couple of das ago, i was burdened and felt sad, was it because I had a premonition of the theft that took place this morning at my house? Maybe.

So I got home, unusually early, slept on the sofa as there was no electricity. I was just too exhausted and wanted an early nap, which I got. I communicated with my friend for some time, before i called it quits and slept. I woke up around 1 am and checked the time, and this was going to be the last time i saw my phone.

When I woke, there was someone in the bedroom, and I screamed, thief, thief!!. My mom woke up and held me suspecting I could be having a nightmare, and I told her there was a thief in the room. we followed along the road but we could not see anyone. I went back to the house to check the time on the TV, and alas! it was not just my phone, but the Generator I had bought only two weeks back, the gas stove, which I had bought on the same day as the generator, our family TV, my mom's phone, the money in the house.

I picked my handbag outside the house and I was relieved having bemoaned the long queues I might have to endure at the registration ofice. I sighed.

We went back in the house and picked my bible, opened it onto Psalm 46, and my eyes were drawn to the highlighted verse 10, and it beckoned on me "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, i will be exalted in the earth". The next verse I was to be confronted with reads "The scrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and contrite heart, these O God, you will not despise".

I made a quiet prayer, thanking God for all things and all times, and made declarations that these things should come back if it be God's will. Because I know God does not find gladness in a bleeding heart, he will bleed on our behalf.

So I laughed it out, and said Devil, you have come to the wrong place, because this one is called God's sanctuary!

At times, we lose our faith over what the devil does, but I have greater confidence in what God can do for his people. Sometimes it feels, looks and sound unreasonable, but I want to trust God for all things.

I was asking myself, why I had felt this burden and saddened in the earlier days. I had bought the Gen set, gas stove, phone, all at one go following the release of my two previous salaries that had been pending, and I thought, buying assets is a better investment than clothes, well I was right. It is better, aint it? I had thanked God for helping me get these, and tonight, I thanked him for losing them - crazy isn't it?

I could have gone there casting and rebuking the devil tonight, but I told him it wasn't an opportunity for him to sneak into our territory. he better stays our and sneak in and out of our territory because Jesus is the HOST!

Friends, God is a wonderful father. He never allows anything to happen in your life without his knowledge. Remember the story of Job? He knows and is fully aware of the limits of the devil. Whatever the circumstances, those i suspect or not, I pray God will help them see the transformation that is going to take place now going forward to my place at home.

We might be in a cottage today, but Jehovha is lifting us up. When they think they have succeeded, they have retrogressed forever.

Thank you Lord for all that happens in our lives. Sometimes we feel it is not fair, but I know you are using me, and my family for the greater good. We may not see it yet, but Lord, we have confidence in your works. I thank you for releasing supernatural blessings, and I glorify your name, for mighty are your works. Thank you for always planning for the best and betterment of our future. Quiten our souls from the tears and pain, but add your joy that we may be able to see from your viewpoint, in Jesus name, Amen.

I hope you will learn not to place your heart on earthly possessions, because they can be stolen, but at the same time, know that God will never enjoy those who righteously acquire cry when thieves steal from them.

You are the blessed one of God, remember to always praise him, always.

Amen, God bless you.

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