Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Do you believe in Jesus Christ?

Wow, what a question that every believer should ask themselves regularly. Do I believe in Jesus Christ? Do I believe in the Cross of Jesus Christ? Do I believe in him enough to trust him for every process? Do i believe I am a piece in the whole masterpiece? Do I believe?

We are told in James chapter 2 that Faith without works is dead. I asked myself, are my action commensurate with my belief? Am I a believer for myself? What am I doing about the belief in me? Do I trust God's process? Do I trust God enough to let go of myself and hold on to him?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Our Real Value

Was just going through my facebook messages and friend's posts when i bumped into one that spoke to me and made me realise that my true value is identified when i am in the right place at any given time. God has placed a certain value on me and has revealed that my gift will usher me before great men. Naturally, if my passion is in cooking, it will lead me to meeting some of the world's best chefs. This giust may not take me anywhere amongst soccer players, but in the right place, it propels me further.

Just read and be inspired as well...

Do we have a relationship with God?

Psalm 91
Job 1 vs. 6-22
Colossians 3 vs 1 - 6
The reason why emphasis even in church should be on relationship as opposed to religion is how we conduct ourselves as Christians outside of our churches. We act so badly that people do not even understand the essence of your going to church, or claims of being a Christian.

Are you a disciple of God, or are you so much into who is watching me?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Celebrate God

This is an article from the September teachings I did on another platform for ladies. Please be blessed

Greetings Phenomenal women. What an honour and privilege it is to meet today on the Rhema Bible study. Are you not excited and celebrating God to be alive? This week's events for me have proved that indeed, we have loads of reason why we must celebrate God, always. I am thankful to God for everything. So should you be. I mean, are you not glad you are part of a community of believers? Where you know no matter the turnout of the day, you will be encouraged in the Lord. How wonderful to know that we have so many fellow disciples of Christ. I am reminded of Elijah. Having made a public spectacle of baal and his prophets, one word from Jezebel saw him fleeing the land and pleading with God that he may die.


Another extract... Be blessed
Good evening phenomenal women. What a privilege and honour to be able to break bread with you 
yet again. What grace! The word tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and 
all else will be added unto us.

Tonight I just want to challenge a phenomenal woman to look into her own life, ask the Holy Spirit to 
help you evaluate your life. Let us seek Godly ways in all we do.

That you are alive today and now should be reason
 enough to praise the Lord. It doesn’t mean 
you do not have problems, challenges or pressing 
issues. It doesn’t mean you don’t have 
seemingly unanswered prayers. Actually that’s the 
bulk of prayers. Neither does it mean your life 
is perfect. Our problem as humanity is our quest for 
excellence, but we forget that God makes 
everything good in the fullness of time.

You are God's beloved

I made this presentation on a group for phenomenal ladies during the month of September 2015. I pray that you will be blessed.

                                                                   *  *  *  *

Just a word of encouragement today to you. Remember the Lord's mercies are new every morning. No matter what you did, felt, thought, God wants us to be reconciled to him through Christ. No matter your possessions, your position, your connections, God is constant. He loves you as much as he loves the next person so stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop trying to be who you are not. You are special in your own way. You are who God says you are. That mind of yours need to get that. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Word of wisdom

Sometimes we can want something so badly that we make choices without considering the consequences. But if we wait for God and remain committed to be right in step with His will, we will receive His blessing, and it will be more than we imagined. In fact, it will be the best. 

God promises that we will hear His voice or at least sense His leading telling us that this is the right way (Isa 30:21).

So, be careful not to want something so badly that you leave God out of it. The consequences could be devastating. Seek God, hear His voice and reap the rewards.

Monday, July 27, 2015

The cross - Paid for in full

I have been in debt for a while now, and my husband and I were just looking at how to make the needed payments in a given time. As we did this discussion, we realised that we had one of the biggest debts paid for already and with this in mind, we just took time to thank God for the free gift of life.

You see, when one has a debt, it lingers in their mind, it eats into their psych and will bother them until its paid.

The debt collectors would send letters informing of the legal actions to be taken, the deadlines etc. It was uncomfortable. However, it taught us a lesson. The devil is the debt collector, pointing out to people every wrong they have done and making them go into panic mode. Sin is a huge debt that man adopted by virtue of being born of man, but we have a redeemer - Christ.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Love yourself - nothing evil there!

This month, the Lord has been really impressing the message of love in my heart. The bible encourages us to love God, and to love your neighbour as you love yourself. At times, people miss the part of loving others as YOURSELF.

One can only fully love others when the love is deeply rooted in themselves. How do we love the next person when we do not love ourselves? How do we do to others what we want them to do unto us when we don't know what we would rather people do for us? It may be difficult for one to know how not to hurt other people's emotions when they don't know the feeling of being hurt. It is equally difficult to expect the best from the next person when you yourself can not define your best.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


All thanks be to God Almighty, whose love, grace and word has kept us alive this day to pen yet another article on this blog barely two years since i was last here. I honour him, exalt him, praise him, worship him with all that I am and all that I have.

The last time i posted, my fiance and I were trusting God for some finances for the Lobola process and wedding. Well, am happy to say all that I am now a proud wife and mother. I will talk more on that some other day. When the word of God says e still,it means exactly that. let us take God's word as it is. Lets not add anything to it cos God is watching over His word to perform it.

Glory be to Christ Jesus, my Lord and Saviour.