Monday, July 27, 2015

The cross - Paid for in full

I have been in debt for a while now, and my husband and I were just looking at how to make the needed payments in a given time. As we did this discussion, we realised that we had one of the biggest debts paid for already and with this in mind, we just took time to thank God for the free gift of life.

You see, when one has a debt, it lingers in their mind, it eats into their psych and will bother them until its paid.

The debt collectors would send letters informing of the legal actions to be taken, the deadlines etc. It was uncomfortable. However, it taught us a lesson. The devil is the debt collector, pointing out to people every wrong they have done and making them go into panic mode. Sin is a huge debt that man adopted by virtue of being born of man, but we have a redeemer - Christ.

The cross is our receipt to the paid up expenses. At the cross, all my debts have been paid for. No more debts. The devil no longer has claim on anything that belongs to me because he accepted payment of me through the death and resurrection of Christ.

Therefore, I ought to live life with confidence because the debt has been paid for in full. When Christ said "It is finished" on the cross, he meant we were free. No more interest charges, no more debt collectors, no more evictions, no more threats of repossession of property, no more death.There is now no need to live in hiding, Master Jesus paid all the debts.

What is it you want? What is it you lack? Its already paid for. All authority in heaven and on earth is in Christ Jesus and God has promised us the free gift of life in him. If we believe in him, we have guarantee of an everlasting life.

Do not live in fear and limitation. The reason why we dont enjoy the free gift of life is because we are afraid of our past mistakes. We are afraid that the devil still has a claim on you, but guess what? The word says when you are in Christ you are a new creation, all things atre new. Why? because you have entered into the all expenses paid zone.

I remember the other day, a so -called final demand was sent at our home from the general hospital we delivered our first son from. I simply collected it and placed it among my bills and ignored it. Am waiting for the day when they come to make a collection of this so called debt and I will simply produce the receipts.

The cross is our receipt for which our liberty was secured. The empty grave is the product and we are assured that death will not hold us down because our DNA is in the one who defeated the power of the grave. Death has no power in us because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.

Speak it. Walk it. Live it.

The story of the Cross carries your break through. Away with those negative thoughts.

The reason why we don't enjoy the free gift of life is because we do not have the faith that it is done. We do not have the faith that the receipt is there. It seemsa for some of us we need to physically hold the Christ but we all know that they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in Truth. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. This therefore means we need to activate our spiritual antennas so thatwe walk in the boldness and knowledge of His presence in all we do, thus do away with the fear we carry.

You have been in that cage for too long you think you can not come out, but no, in Christ you have been set free. Read and study the word of God so that you are deeply rooted in the full knowledge of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.

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