Thursday, July 23, 2015

Love yourself - nothing evil there!

This month, the Lord has been really impressing the message of love in my heart. The bible encourages us to love God, and to love your neighbour as you love yourself. At times, people miss the part of loving others as YOURSELF.

One can only fully love others when the love is deeply rooted in themselves. How do we love the next person when we do not love ourselves? How do we do to others what we want them to do unto us when we don't know what we would rather people do for us? It may be difficult for one to know how not to hurt other people's emotions when they don't know the feeling of being hurt. It is equally difficult to expect the best from the next person when you yourself can not define your best.

What am saying here is get your priorities right. Know who you are and what you are all about. Know those things you want and those you don't want. Define who you are. It is very easy when you dont know who you are to be defined by everyone else.

A child of the Most High should shake off this inferior complex and take on a new image. You are more than a conqueror. He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. You walk by faith not by sight. God has a plan over your life, a plan of prosperity not poverty, a plan of a future with hope. You are not insignificant. You are a prince/ess. You are the righteousness of God. You are heavenly protected. Your mindset is not of earth but of heaven where the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of man.

Define who you are as a child of authority. Jesus was unfazed by the treatment at the hands of the Romans, neither was he fazed by the treatment at the hands of the Jews. He knew who he is. The Son of God.

Constantly in the Word, we are drawn to the self descriptions of Christ, "I am the bread of life", " I am the resurrection and life", "I am the river of life", "Come to me all who thirst ", "I am the way, the truth and the life", ..

The reason why he did this was so that people would know who He is. As christians today, we turn to our Lord for direction, protection, for guidance, for fulfilment. We turn to Christ for life. We submit our all to him, why, because we know who he is. he was given authority over all flesh, over everything in heaven, on earth and beyond. We are victors in Christ.

We do not fear death because our Lord and Savior is the giver of Life.
We are not afraid of the terror by night or arrows by day, why? Because He is always with us.
He is the strong tower to who we turn in times of trouble.

If we are in Christ, we are complete with all things, therefore we love because he first loved us.

Our obligation on this earth is to love. The love of God has the power to cause a shift in people's lives, which will compel them to surrender their lives to Christ.

Let us learn to love ourselves so that we are able to pour out that love to the next person.

Father we thank you for the gift of Love. We thank you that you taught us what true love is, that we should love in truth and in deed. teach us daily Lord to appreciate who we are in you that a flame of confidence may be ignited in us to love the next person as we love ourselves. May your angels continue to minister in our lives that we may always abide in you as our stronghold and father. Thank you for loving us and thank you for giving us Jesus to show us that love, in Jesus name, Amen

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