Thursday, September 24, 2015

You are God's beloved

I made this presentation on a group for phenomenal ladies during the month of September 2015. I pray that you will be blessed.

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Just a word of encouragement today to you. Remember the Lord's mercies are new every morning. No matter what you did, felt, thought, God wants us to be reconciled to him through Christ. No matter your possessions, your position, your connections, God is constant. He loves you as much as he loves the next person so stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop trying to be who you are not. You are special in your own way. You are who God says you are. That mind of yours need to get that. 

You are the right person for the Job. Don’t look at the qualifications. They mean nothing unless God allows you to use them. There are people stuck in the mud of life, stuck in a place and not sure how to move out of the zone, God knows how to. Cast your cares upon him for he cares for you. One thing I know is that he loves us too much.

1 John 3:1 says, “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.”

You are royalty. You are a child of God. A royal priesthood. A chosen generation. A highly favoured woman. The anointing of the Lord is upon you. You may not carry the title, but you carry the function. The Lord has bestowed upon you the title of a son. I don’t care what you ate today, how you went through the day, all i know is that you are a daughter of Zion. 

Psalms 37:23-24, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.  Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.”

You are not utterly cast down because Jehovah God lifts you up. Your boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places. You are loved by Jehovah, the Most High. What can be too hard for our father and Lord? He made the heavens, the earth and all its fullness. Ah, all the sands of the world he weighs on scales, when he speaks the earth trembles, mountains melts. In his presence, Angels worship and shout holy all the time. His weapon of warfare is LOVE. That’s your FATHER.

I feel like encouraging someone. What is it that you want to do? What is stopping you? Worldly patterns? Today, this day, the Lord says if you hear his word harden not your heart. The Heavenly Pattern is taking over. The word tells us that we overcame the world by FAITH. Indeed we overcome the challenges of this world by faith.

It is well. You are in the shadow of the Most High, you are a princess, security is everywhere, watching over you. We are loved ladies. You are loved. There is nothing “unspecial” about you to be deprived the love of heaven. 

May God bless you abundantly. The love of our father be your portion all week. Claim it for yourself, your family, nation in Jesus name, Amen.

You can view this teaching and more on
God bless you

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