Thursday, August 16, 2012

Living a life of purpose opportunity lost in the world today
Living in the fast lanes of today’s life has robbed a lot of people of their opportunity to live out their full potential which would have aided development in not only their lives, but the lives of those that live around them.
Purposeless living has become a fashionable style of life yet has robbed many of fully living their lives the world over.
In Zimbabwe for instance, the economy is stable, but far from growing. The industries lie idle as though there are no brains in Zimbabwe to awaken these. The land is dormant, waiting for a time when farmers put hoe to ground. The people wander about as if lost in an interminable jungle, and the question that boomerangs is, why?
The answer is simple: people either do not know what their purpose in life is, have a lot on their plate to know what they want exactly or are waiting for someone to simply point them in their direction.
That is why there is a new mission in Zimbabwe – the Purpose Empowerment Global Mission (PEGLOM).
When I went through it, I thought it was just something of interest given that I was working on my relationship with God and wanted to know as much as I could about living a life inspired by God’s design of me and his purpose for me on this earth.
Knowing that every person who exist is a direct result of God’s strategic intent to have the person on earth, makes one realise why God struggled to come to terms with the person who eventually lived God’s vision.
When one is a creator of any invention, it is the creator’s desires to see the object operating within his or her expectations – given that the creator would have given careful thought, study and eventually create a model best suited to meet a need. When that object or invention fails to live up to the expected standard, it is disappointing.
I have realised that so many of us are living outside of God’s purpose for our lives, thus creating a problem for the world instead of a solution to the world’s situation.
In Zimbabwe, if half the people would live a life God desired them to live, then the problems we face today would be a thing of the past. If our leaders would for just a moment, reflect on what they have done over the years versus God’s idea of who they were supposed to be, would they marvel or weep?
If the youth where to look at their lives today and the dreams they have thrown into the bin, do they think their creator would be amused? If the women would look into their homes and see the kind of children they have raised, would they be proud or will they scorn the fruits of their womb?
We all have a purpose in life, and I urge my fellow Zimbabweans living outside of their purpose, to go back to God, our creator and learn from him the plan he has for our lives because, before he formed us in our mothers wombs, he knew us and before we were born, he ordained us with special gifts and talents upon which our purpose would be realised.
When all of us, begin to live within our purpose, then life in our country will be better for everyone, because, one more person born, would mean one more solution to our challenges.
We are ambassadors of God here on earth hence the importance for us to ably represent him just as government appoint ambassadors to other countries to represent that country’s interest in the host nation. As such, we are ambassadors of heaven on host earth.
It is important to run away from the idea that we know it all. PEGLOM helped me refocus, and am sure it can do even more for your business, family, society, church, country and the world.
We are our own limitation; so let us begin today to transform our society through living a life of purpose. The next generations rely on our bold step of faith and act of wisdom.
God bless you all.

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