Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Greater Yes

As taken from connected to christ... I would love to watch this movie.

Movie Synopsis
After climbing Pampa High School’s popularity chain, taking her volleyball team to the State championship and founding the school’s first drugs, alcohol, and violence-free club, Amy Newhouse must now fight the biggest battle of her life – cancer.
Her open heart to the people of her school now sparks a passionate rally from the community around her.

However, this passion dwindles as her cancer metastasizes. Her cancer appears to miraculously heal, but just as it seems the community has prevailed and the battle won, Amy discovers the deadly disease has returned and is incurable.

Her prayers for healing continue, but with the seemingly dried-up support of her community, and an apparent “no” from God, Amy contemplates facing the one battle she cannot win. As her health wanes, she reflects upon God’s tender love at Pampa High, the exponential growth of her club, and the redemption of her school of the once-rampant violence, drugs, and alcohol that she so passionately fought against. Through it all, God proves to doubters that regardless of the circumstances, He has a “Greater Yes” for His children.
My Thoughts…
I enjoyed A Greater Yes and was encouraged to know that it was based off a true story. The main character was truly devoted to God and in all ways was attempting to give Him control in every area of her life. She was a breath of fresh air in many ways! Oh how we all should take after her example in serving such as Christ taught us to do.
A Greater Yes is a movie that sheds light on that even when we think God’s not around, that He is and that through it all we should not doubt but trust in His greater plan for our lives.
I  would not hesitate to recommend A Greater Yes to those looking for movies to show to groups of teens or to watch as a family! I would also suggest having a tissue box handy as this film is a real tear jerker.
Disclaimer: I was given A Greater Yes to review from Pure Flix. This review is 100% my opinion and has not been edited or reviewed by anyone. I was not compensated in any other way for this product review other than receiving a review copy of this movie.

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