Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do we have a relationship with God?

Psalm 91
Job 1 vs. 6-22
Colossians 3 vs 1 - 6

The reason why emphasis even in church should be on relationship as opposed to religion is how we conduct ourselves as Christians outside of our churches. We act so badly that people do not even understand the essence of your going to church, or claims of being a Christian.

Are you a disciple of God, or are you so much into who is watching me?

So many Christians in the world want to be associated with Christianity, but so few of us are concentrating on following the moral nature of the relationship. We are hypocrites in deed, but wherever we walk, we want people to recognise us as Christians.

But Christianity is a lifestyle, not some numbers game. Christianity is not by vote, but by choice. It is a conscious decision one makes and desires to live as. It is not about who is watching, but more about what God is saying to you. We need to strive to have a relationship with God, where we are accountable to him.

People believe that God wants perfect people, but that’s not true, I mean, Jesus himself said "Why do you call me good, ONLY God is good!"(Matthew 19 v 16-17)
So, go before the Lord in your weakness, and he will strengthen you. Go before God in your drinking, and God's word will transform you. The bible tells me ".....Be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind". This only comes through the word of God.
Moral standards might have been set, but how faithful are we to follow them? Societal standards have been put up, but whose standards are we going to live in? Churches have laid out doctrine after doctrine, but they forget the best words are found in the bible.
Is it that the church that is expecting too much from humans? I believe those who attend church are not only people of commission, but people who want to understand the belief, or those who are forced to attend church, or those who seek to have people at their funerals, or in search of a wife, or husband, companionship or juicy gossip.
The churches are infested with people who want a clean edge of sinning without people suspecting. A religion is boring. A relationship, exciting, for no one knows what's around the corner, or what will emerge from underneath. It has surprises and it has expectations. It has its ups and it has its downs, it has laughter, with its share of tears, it has its hopes and it has its fears, but in a relationship, there is always faith, trust and conviction for a desired end.
So, build a relationship with God and all things will fall into place. .."Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all will be added unto you.”

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