Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Ropes that Hold Us Down

[My friend] Orville finished the checklist [for liftoff]. The tower gave us the go-ahead. He glanced out the side window [of the plane] and blanched: "Oh my gosh! Look at that! We haven't untied the ropes! ...I can't believe we were getting ready to take off without untying the ropes! That's a good one." I wanted to get out of the plane... 

If I am not yet living according to what I believe matters most, it is no accident. There are forces or habits that have a deep hold on me that I will have to get rid of. 

The writer of Hebrews puts it like this: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us" [Hebrews 12:1]. 
We must discard whatever will hold us down. We must discard the wrong priorities that keep us from what matters most.Maybe it's fear or doubt or a misguided sense of inadequacy. God called Moses to lead his people, but Moses wanted to ground himself. "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh?" Moses asked. "What if the people don't listen to me?" he complained. 

"I am slow of speech and tongue," he argued. He did not think his gifts were adequate for the challenge. Perhaps he pictured other leaders in his mind who were more articulate and charismatic. His image of himself as a stumbling, stuttering leader kept him tethered. Being rich toward God meant Moses would have to detach himself from his need for safety and security. 

Maybe it's a voice that wants to keep you down... Maybe it's a past mistake or failure. Maybe it's habit, comfort, or laziness. Freedom starts with naming the rope.
-When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box by John Ortberg

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