Friday, July 8, 2011

God Pursues You

The Kingdom Way of Life You have never slipped God's mind. Even if you haven't thought about him since the last time you walked through a church door, he has been walking with you, watching you, talking to you. 

And God has been trying his best to catch your eye because he pursues you. God doesn't pursue your country. He doesn't pursue your state or your town or even your church. He pursues you, just as he did the woman at the well [see John 4:4-42].

At times, I've had to come to God ... after creating my own solutions instead of seeking God's guidance and waiting on his answer. I entertain thoughts like:

Here's how I'm going to deal with my friendships. I'm going to show them what I deserve.
Here's how I'm going to deal with my money. It's mine, so I'm going to figure out how to handle it so that it serves me best.
Here's how I'm going to deal with my spouse. I'm going to go with what feels right at the time.

We convince ourselves we can improve our lot and come up with something better if we just get half a chance... We build little armies of selfish answers all over the place, until sooner or later we're cold and sterile...
The cost never is ours alone. It impacts everything and everybody around us when we don't let God do what only he can do.
-The Well: Why Are So Many Still Thirsty?, by Mark Hall

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