Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Life review

I was trying to just take a look at what has been going on in my life. I love reviewing my life because I am a living being and there is no way that I will see the spec in another person’s eye when I can not see the log in my own eye.

It is through appreciating my experiences that I can appreciate the testimonies of others. It is only through my reflection, that I can influence other lives.

I was just going through the thoughts I had when I was talking to my friend and saying I don’t go to church.

You see, this could look or sound like a peculiar thing to those who have made going to church their religion. I mean, it is expected of every believer that we needed to fellowship with other people called unto the purpose of God. However, I was never like that. Going to church was never beaten into us, neither was it foisted onto us. We went to church but my mother never forced us to go if we didn’t feel like.

So going to church was purely my choice. However, as children, one was always obliged to follow the mothers all the same. So when I did go to church, i just went there, prayed and made sure I was back home very soon.

And going to church was more of a habit than a conviction. It was more of a 'let me just do it if it won't kill me kind of thing. I was a church goer.

I will not even try to convince myself that missing church was the best thing either. I made all the wrong choices and I turned the wrong ways, but at the end of the road, I see myself being obliged to acknowledge the greater force that make me see through each day.

One way or the other, I am convinced that I have the favour of God. God has watched me swear, curse, insult at different levels his body, the church. He has looked down and cried over my life. He was there, with me, through it all.

Sometimes, I look back and i am totally convinced that I am what and who I am because God chose me for a purpose, which I am pursuing to find.

There is nothing as frustrating as getting home at the end of the day and feeling like I had let God down. Sometimes it is because I would not have done anything that helps me spiritually, or that aids someone spiritually. A day lived in futility. A day thrown away.

But I have realised that we might do all that we do, we might say all we might say, we might think all we must but ultimately, we have to give thanks to God for all things.

We take for granted the little things we do effortlessly, as though we know all things, and we forget to thank the giver of life and talents.

How many people out there have talents which they never got to utilise for their physical and spiritual endowment? How many people had gifts and talents, which they took for granted and abused? How many people never lived fulfiled lives because they did not know what they represented? How many people you know, are struggling to make ends meet because they have abused the time they were given to do something?

I know of many, but i also know that I do not intend to be one.

My prayer point thus becomes: to be a generation of people who seek the Lord for guidance

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