Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Called to serve

So I tell myself i am called to serve, and yes, I am called to serve but in which area?

So often in our lives, we have given up on that dream, that goal, that vision we had because of our failure to realise the area in which we were called to specialise in. So many of us want to do anything and everything that comes through. Not because we have given our lives to Christ, but so that we may look like we gave our lives to him.

So religious in execution yet no relationship with him for whom we are working tirelessly...

Keeping busy with the things of God, and not being productive in Christ..

Is it anything too far fetched that God is asking merely for us to sit at his feet and listen to him , rather than busy ourselves in trying to please him? God is not interested in that. There is nothing more you can do to please him than he already is pleased with you. God created you, and before you knew it, he sent his only begotten son that he may die for your trespasses and raised so that in him you may have life.

God loved you before he formed you, so there is no reason why he should abandon you now. Numbers 23 vs 19 says "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?"

How so much that this word makes no sense to us especially when problems arise. The devil rejoices when the obstacles he throws in your path seem to move you from your faith. When you begin to see the amount of problem rather than God's capacity to help you out. he remains the God that creates a way where there is no way. He is the God that delivers, the God that sets free, the God that protects.

He has called you to serve, so faithfully serve him. Put your confidence in him and everything will fall into place.

Father God, thank you for reminding us of your call for us to serve you in our different dimensions. Please teach us and show us the areas from which we should operate so that we do not become weary. Lord, at times it is because we are moving in the wrong path that we fail to see where you want to use us. We are open to be taught Lord, that we know our path, our specialty, our roles Lord, for you tell us in your word that the hands can not claim to be the feet. So much that your ways are orderly, teach us Lord to follow that order, in Jesus name, Amen

Y. Mashie

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