Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Is Christ Delightful?

[by John Flavel, AD 1630-1691]
Show the world Christ - as he really is - through your actions and your words.
Is he completely delightful? Let all the world see and know that he is so - by the way you delight in him, in the intimacy of your relationship with him, through your passion for him, and through your readiness to part with anything else you might enjoy besides him. Proclaim his superiority to the world... Persuade them how much your beloved is better than any other beloved. Reveal his glorious perfection as you speak of him.

Proclaim him to others as he is in himself: perfectly beautiful. See that you "live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way" (Colossians 1:10). "Declare the praises" of Christ ( 1 Peter 2:9)... 

 He is glorious in himself, and he is sure to place his glory upon you. So be careful not to bring shame and dishonor to him. He has committed his honor to you; do not betray that trust.
Never be ashamed to be counted as a Christian.

Becoming a Contagious Christian [by Bill Hybels]

Deep in every true Christian, there is an awareness that we are on this planet for purposes greater than having a career, paying the bills, loving our families and fulfilling our role as upstanding citizens. Even going to church and worshiping God - important as these are - sometimes leave us feeling that something is missing. After all, we'll worship God for eternity in heaven; we don't have to be here to do that.
What is it that's absent in the lives of so many believers who are crying out for fulfillment? What on earth is God asking us to do?
God wants us to become contagious Christians - his agents, who will first catch his love and then urgently and infectiously offer it to all who are willing to consider it. This is his primary plan, the one Jesus modeled so powerfully, to spread God's grace and truth person to person until there's an epidemic of changed lives around the world.
-NIV Voices of Faith Devotional Bible: Insights from the Past and Present

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