Thursday, September 22, 2011

What qualifies me??

Global Media Outreach posted this in my inbox and i looked at the newsletter. In the state that i have been in the past few weeks, I felt the message speaking to me. In fact, I can feel the heat welling up in my body as I note this down, and the only thing i can say is: Only God knows that you qualify, not what you are able to do or where you have been. It is only how willing you are to allow God to lead you forward. Let him cause none of us can ever be qualified in the face of God. No one is qualified for the kingdom, even if you try...

Have you ever been to a job interview where they ask you, “What qualifies you for this position?” You might go on and on about what makes you the best employee they could ever have, desperately hoping for the position.

However, we often do the opposite with God. He comes to you and says, “I have a great plan for your life. I want you to reach many people with My love and display My glory.” And you say, “Not me, God. I can’t do that. I have too much sin, too many weaknesses. You have the wrong person. Pick him over there…he never makes the mistakes I do.”

You’re not alone. Moses did the same thing. God gave him the awesome privilege of delivering His people from slavery. But Moses pleaded with the Lord, "O Lord, I'm not very good with words. I never have been, and I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled" (Exodus 4:10). But it wasn’t like God didn’t know about Moses’ inadequacies. He knew exactly who He was dealing with—and He chose him anyway.

And God has chosen you anyway. He knows your weakness, that sin that always trips you up, every sin you’ve committed so far, and every reason why you shouldn’t get the job. If it were really a matter of qualifications, you’re right: you’re not qualified! But God looks past all of those things and says, “I’ve called you anyways. I love you. I know your weaknesses and I’m going to help you overcome them. I’m not giving up on you. And I have great things for you to do.”

That’s God’s beauty. He chooses the foolish things to confuse the smart, and the humble things to bring down the proud. What is a foolish thing in your life? Your past? Lack of education? Fear of people? God can turn it into a strength. Think about it—what story shows the greatness of a coach more: a strong, talented kid who the coach helped to make a great player? Or a short, fumbling kid who the coach turned into a star? You may feel like the runt of the team, but God plans to turn you into a success story in His kingdom.

What has He called you to?You’re not disqualified for the job just because of your past failings or current weaknesses. God says to you today, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). God made fearful Moses into a national deliverer. And He can make you into whatever He wants.

So this week, let us pray that:
  • We would have confidence in God’s plan
  • We would stop listening to the lies of condemnation
  • Global Media Outreach will fulfill the great plan God has us

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