Wednesday, September 21, 2011

10 Reasons to Celebrate

If anybody on earth has the right to celebrate, it is those of us who have committed our lives to Christ and been accepted into God’s family! Just think of all God has done for us!
As we trust in Jesus Christ we are:
  • given a new life of purpose and significance
  • forgiven for every sin, mistake, and failure
  • loved unconditionally and accepted by God
  • provided with a spiritual family for our support
  • set free from worry because God is in control
  • offered God's power to overcome hurts, habits, and hang-ups
  • equipped with spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities to use
  • protected by all of God's promises
  • supplied with everything we need
  • guaranteed eternal life...
It's ironic that in our culture it is acceptable to get excited about anything except God. You can go to a sports event and scream your lungs out, jump up and down, cry, hug, and raise your hands in the air — and people will smile approvingly and call you a "fan." But if you show any joy, heartfelt emotion, or enthusiasm in worship, you're called a "fanatic" ... 
God loves to hear his children sing his praises... "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." [Psalm 150:6]
-Better Together Devotional: What On Earth Are We Here For? by Rick Warren

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