Friday, July 8, 2011

An Unexpected Gift

For my birthday one year, my mother sent me a package wrapped in plain brown paper. When I opened it, there was a gaudy, multicolored [straw basket] stuffed with tissue paper. 

I actually thought my mother had totally lost her good senses! I tossed out the tissue paper, wondered what in the world I was going to do with the basket, then called to thank her for her "gift." Mother laughed when I thanked her for the basket, then asked what I thought about what was inside it. 

I told her that nothing was inside except tissue paper, and I had thrown that out. She responded urgently, "Oh, no, Anne! Inside that tissue paper is your real birthday gift!" 

I ran outside, opened up the trash can, and went through the garbage piece by piece until I came up with the wad of tissue paper. Inside was a small gold ring with a lapis lazuli stone... I had thrown out a priceless treasure simply because of the way it was wrapped!

What priceless treasure are you in danger of throwing out, simply because of the way it is packaged? Could it be the treasure of seeing Him? Sometimes God wraps His glory in hard circumstances or ugly obstacles or painful difficulties, and it just never occurs to us that within those life-shaking events is a fresh revelation of Him.
- Expecting to See Jesus: A Wake-Up Call for God's People. (An Expanded Edition of "I Saw the Lord"), by Anne Graham-Lotz

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