Sunday, February 20, 2011

Confirmation of his presence!!

So yesterday we had a Youth ministry session, more precise, a youth get - together with the societies in my circuit. The programme was organised by the circuit Youth Council, and there we were, in Aldersgate, praising God and launching the beginning of our youth week hey, which began yesterday.

This day, I was there in that place, not expecting to do anything except hear the word, but this is what happens, as I sing with other youth, just after the main service had ended and the elders had gone home, I was taken out from the midst of the people and asked "Do you mind leading the prayer session?", I was struck hey, and I said I didn't mind, but now I was scared that God, am I really worthy to stand before your children and lead in a prayer session??

You see, questions will always arise, especially on worthiness each time we get a task to do God's work. And here I was, Yvonne, having come all this was to hear from whoever was to give us the word, and I was thrust into the equation, to share and lead in prayer!

One thing for sure, I was overwhelmed. I had always admired those who stood before a gathering to lead in whatever session, and i had always wanted that. I remember in some instances asking God how others are never identified even when burning to try out!! And here I was, being asked to lead. Well, lately this has been coming my way a lot more, and I was saying 'God, this is your work. When it comes, make me a willing soul to serve your word'.

And so the prayer session went, with us having to pray for different issues that affect the youth, the church and christianity as a whole.

The youth gave time to just talk to the father. By the way, did i mention that growing up and attending Scripture Union in school, the day I resented most was the day when the whole hour was dominated by prayer. I did not enjoy that, I loved praise and worship more, and the preaching next, then a very short prayer and am out of the room!!

But with appreciating God and all, I grew to understand the importance of prayer in my life.

The word of God says: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus- Phil 4 vs 6-7.

Prayer is the foundation upon which every Christian's life should be based. The bible reminds us to pray without season, and to go before God in every situation.

Yesterday, I will mark as one of my greatest moments as there was more of confirmation of God's service in my life as much as it also gave us time to pray for varied issues afflicting our persons, communities, relationships and country.

Ultimately, my biggest dream would be to see more people, giving their time, resources, hearts, anything and everything to God's service.

To God be the glory and may his mercy endure forever!!

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