Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jesus and I...where am I?

It has been a very long while since I wrote on this blog, and just this morning I was asking myself why? Is it that I had run out of what to write?..But no, because God is doing something every second of my life. Is it that i felt incomplete?..well I did at some point. I felt as though I was merely talking about a God I didn't exactly know, but at the same time, I was also telling myself that knowing someone is not a one day event!!

Let me take a few steps back hey, and start looking at my personal life, the unions, relationships and friendships I have made. Frankly speaking, the people I call my friends are only a handful hey, just a few guys, say a whole barrage of people I talk to on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Even friends on facebook that i have never met in my life, probably the closest we can get is through the posts we send on the wall!

But all the same, I have friends, two of them that I can call on at any given time.

Today, I am talking about the relationship we have with Christ Jesus. Who he is, who he is meant to be in our lives, and how much work for the kingdom we were to do had we accorded him the right place.

So who is Jesus?--- The only begotten son of God, to whom authority on earth and heaven has been given?

Is he the messiah we all need?

Indeed, Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, the light, the water, the saviour, the lamb, the lion of the tribe of Juda, oh Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Jesus is timeless!!

I could go on and on hey because the whole 'religion' of christianity rests with this Jesus.

He is the first born to the dead, he is the redeemer of the world, he is the lamb that carries all our sins. He is Jehovha!!

The problem we have is SIN.

You see, sin has this tendency of shrinking God and puffing us up. Today, as I was brainstorming on my life, I realised that one too many a times I have reasoned with God, given myself the place of God in my limited view, and given him the post I think best suit him, but God is frighteningly above all. He is after all God, who created the heavens and earth, who knows every atom in my body and knows the amount of hair I have on my head, strand by strand. he is an all powerful God whose strength, knowledge, mercy and grace is unending- infinite he is hey.

That realisation has been fundamental in my life because, I made a decision that I am God's child and all authority has been given to me as co-heirs to Christ's kingdom. I am part of the chosen generation, the royal priesthood. I have been called to be part of God's kingdom through Christ!!

Back to my friends, I will mention that I have grown to love them, to appresiate them in their strength and weaknesses hey. It is through knowing them this much that measures my love for them. I will love them for those things that are 'lovable', and those that are 'unlovable'.

It is when we accept the person at their weakest that we have embraced the whole person hey. So, I was asking myself, how come God loves me with all my sins? How come God continues to hold my hand and lead me in paths that I have never seen myself walk through as if I am not stubborn enough??

God is merciful, and he is loving. I am so unsettled each time i try to be adventurous in his direction because everything about him poses a moral, physical and spiritual challenge around me.

I have failed to sleep at some point thinking about this guy, I have realised that, maybe consciously but more so unconsciously, when I am happy, I would wish he were there to share my happiness, when I am sad, I just want to share with him, when there really is nothing I want to talk with him, and I have asked God why it feels like a mountain climb just to establish something like that? i was asking him the other day, that most of the conversations are informal, when I just subconsciously engage him, but why is it that I am not giving him his proper, formal time to just spend together hey? Why is it so difficult to work with God through the highs and lows, the fats and thins of my life.

I guess it is always a question that lingers on unless I consciously make time, turn it into a habit and eventually mould my character.

I am inspired each time I read the bible and i get to the part where the protagonist go to pray, as was custom!! I want that too. To have a customised way of approaching God and still maintain our informal discussions!!

I need the Holy Spirit to be guiding all my decisions, my actions and my interractions.

To God be the glory..


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