Friday, August 7, 2009

I hate hate, bitterness and resentfulness, so help me Lord.

I have gone through sad chapters in my life
I have done things I should not have done.
I have said words I shouldn't have said
I have played games i should never have played.
And I have made compromises i should not have made
But I have done these things and they are a part of me.

When I look into my future,
I see happiness, peace, joy and laughter.
I see love, love profound.
I see light....

I know i have to pass through dark phases.
But these won't stop me from going forward.
The dark I have passed is better than that which awaits me.
But by the same confidence, I shall face that darkness.

I know the light of the Lord shines over me.
I am going through paces that should see me through what i shall face tomorrow.

The Lord is my source of hope.
I dont want to live with bitterness.
There is no way i will heap whats been heaped on me.
Onto my children, Lord help me....

I will not live in pain and bitterness, in hatred and resentment
For Jesus Christ went through even worse situations, just for me to be free.

I have gone through all that i have, so that i may face the future with confidence.

The Lord tells me to be of good cheer
For he overcame the world.

All these that i see, are to expose me to know that which is in the world.
For tomorrow, i have to live through it all
Only difference is, i will be doing it right.

Should i be bitter? Should I be angry?
By no means!!
For the word of God tells me, if my brother sins against me, i should forgive him seven times seventeen times.
This merely means, each and every time.

If I forgive them, I forgive myself too.
And i take responsibility for my action.
If God be for me, who can be against me???

Oh Lord. thank you for this exposure for by the exposure comes knowledge.
Being forwarned, is to be forearmed.
it is only you that can save me from the wretchedness of the world.
Help me not to develop bitterness in my heart.
Instead, allow love to grow inside of me, just as you have taught us through your son Jesus Christ.
In Jesus name, Amen....

Y. Mashie

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