Thursday, September 27, 2012

Those he loves, he disciplines...

A show of love - discipline is extended to those who are loved
Eish, God, forgive us for we are great sinners.. Guys, I do not think that any one of you would love to see God's wrath being turned on you. It is extremely frightening that such intense anger and indignation is a part of God that we are probably never introduced to. All we know is how great our God is, how faithful, Holy, generous, merciful, forgiving and all the correct niceties we attribute to him.

But how sad to not realise how painful and how frustrating it is for one to stand for something and get the opposite. Is God not justified when he stands against darkness? I believe the scripture in 1 john 1 verse 5 b which says "God is light; in him there is no darkness AT ALL," speaks to that attribute.

Now, suppose in the dead of the night, a thief comes into your house, you wake up and see the person, do you look at them, smile and kindly ask them to leave? Or you get agitated for action, you bind them if you can and get them in jail! I don't know, but having experienced a robbery twice, it is not a good feeling to have someone come to you and steal your valuables and if I knew some Karate, only God knows I would deal with such rowdy people!

It is the same with God. His wrath does not just arise, there are a series of offences that God just will not take - moreso when you are one of his chosen ones and you refuse to want to trust in his abilities to lead you through situation.

I mean God says in his word that his commandments are not burdensome.

If we follow what he instructs us, he is faithful, he will fulfil his side of the bargain.

You were brought here to serve a purpose, and it would be wrong to think if we live outside of our purposes then God will be pleased. No ways!

Another element that we ought to know is that God is so merciful, which is why we continue to live this day. Imagine Soddom and Gomorrah - God was seething, and had to destroy the whole town with fire..

Remember the days of Noah - he had to destroy the whole earth due to a rebellious, unrepentent, prideful and sinful generation.

Let us pray against behaviours, attitudes and mindsets that will trigger God's wrath against us.

I believe the devotional by Bob Deffinbaugh in 2004 on the wrath of God would best explain the fear that engulfed me when I realised that the merciful God I serve gets angry as well.

Look this article on

Let's Pray

Lord, teach us your ways that we may walk in truth, give us an undivided heart that we may fear your name. I do not think we can survive your wrath, but we seek to live and prosper within your tender arms. May your mercy and grace continue to be with us, in Jesus name, Amen

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