Thursday, September 20, 2012

Of aliens and strangers...

Hebrews 11 vs 13: "...All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were ALIENS and STRANGERS on earth..."

Wow, what a powerful word!

I was listening to a sermon yesterday during the funeral of Prophetess Chipunza, who passed away on Saturday, by one Pastor Chiyangwa and he was talking about the whole essence of church and the word of God - being to prepare us for the new home to come. He spoke of how Jacob, when he was asked by Pharaoh how old he was, he mentioned that "his years of pilgrimage were hundred and thirty".

Now, the Collins Dictionary defines a pilgrim as a person who journeys to a holy place.

As we are here on this earth, we are journeying towards a holy place, which is paradise. the only problem that the people today have had, is the belief and though that we are here to stay forever. We want to make our departure lounge as if it were our destination. We treat each other as though there are any special favours when it comes to this holy place where we are all going.

I am inspired by verse 14 of the same Hebrews verse which then says, "people who say such things show they are looking for a country of their own"... Verse 16 jumps in to say.. "Instead, they were longing for a better country - a heavenly one".

What happens when we begin to see this place we currently are in as a place of journeying to a better place, then we begin to appreciate that there is someone higher than us who is able to prepare a home for us, a city for each one of us who seek to dwell in his presence.

On verse 17, the bible says "Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God for he has prepared a  city for them.."

We are pilgrim here on this earth, our real home is in heaven. As we stay here, we ought to know that we are bound to leave this place. It is our choice to leave it a better place or a worse place than we found it. 

Ever had an unwelcome visitor at your house? Or a visitor who comes and is overzealous, wants to run affairs of your home and wants to correct the way you do your stuff every time? Its like have a pain of a visitor in your home. But have you had a visitor at your house who just makes life a lot easier there? Like they are just sheer joy to have around? When they leave you cry?

We are all like that here on earth. We are visitors, we do not expect to live forever on this land, thus, we ought to lead a life alive to that reality. We will all eventually return to dust and our spirits will go to either heaven or hell depending on who you have made your saviour.

Choose life, choose light and lead a life of proper comfort, knowing that God is with you all the time. Make your choice.. How you travel will determine if you get to the destination. Drive safely, with passion, with love and with joy. Place your trust  and hopes in Christ and all things will fall in place.

Let us pray

Father God, the Holy one, the everlasting father, thank you for reminding us that we are mere pilgrims on this land. As we walk, make us aware of this reality and help us to search more of your goodness and glory.May you Lord, teach us to walk in all humility, that we may love and appreciate each other in the limited time we have so that Lord, your Glory may continue to rise through us and those to come before us, in Jesus name, Amen.

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