Monday, December 19, 2016

Introduction - Salt & Pepper coming soon...

Ps 127:1Unless the Lord builds the house, its builder’s labor in vain. NIV
Salt and pepper - two different yet complementing partners
When two people enter a covenant called marriage, there are always expectations – expressed or unexpressed. One of my bosses once said to me, “You know what? Marriages normally start off on a false footing,” he said.

How so? I asked. His response got me thinking, is that where the challenge of marriage begins or it develops over time? Is it some character issue that was hidden from the other during courtship or it’s a character trait that developed over time? Are our expectations for the other too high and strict adherence to them would help one love better? Has society mis-trained people to the extent of prematurely terminating marriages? Is marriage that complicated and not as simple as previously thought? What went wrong, where?

Marriage is an institution where one is constantly learning, and where one needs to tear open their tolerance jar. It is pointless to have limitations to your tolerance levels when you decide to enter marriage because the challenges one faces in it can break you.

God urges husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church (Ephesians 5: 25). Wives are called to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, in everything (Ephesians 5:22.24). All this looks simple on the outset, which is why researchers have found that most people in marriage desire out. Some are held in by their positions in society, others by the children they sired, others because they fear God and others simply because it is better to be with someone than to be alone!

It is really sad that I have encountered young single parents who lasted barely a year in marriage. Young women abandoned by their sweethearts to take care of a child just because the boy wasn’t ready, young men who are frustrated to the last bone by the woman who did not turn out to be who they thought they were. The reasons vary from immaturity, poor decision making, and lack of good advice, too much expectation, pride and infidelity. 

I have also witnessed bitter wives, who are hanging in there for the sake of the children, or to make the man at least make provisions for what he sired. Women who are no longer praying for their marriages, but rather that God may tear those marriages apart. Women who no longer put effort in themselves because the one person they thought would believe in them stopped encouraging them the day they got married. Women who are so heartbroken if there was an outlet, they would be out of this “God-forsaken” institution called marriage. 

I have seen women who call themselves single mothers, yet be married. They have an absentee husband, one who pitches up when they remember they left someone back home. 

Even then, I have heard of men who have had to struggle with the children, while the wife enjoys themselves. Husbands who have absolutely no say in what the wife does. A husband who has a wife, who challenges his every decision, even ignores his every directive and goes their own ways. I have seen men seek solutions on how to deal with challenges they face in their marriage, where they have become clueless on how to lead their own homes – they have an Alpha female in their homes.

I have seen men who are unable to make decisions in the workplace because the ghost of their wives haunts them everywhere, reducing a man to a mere brainless object for purposes of control. 

I have also seen women lose money to their husbands because the moment they make a few cents the husband is there with an excuse to take that money away all for control purposes – once she has no money of her own, she will not go anywhere even when he abuses her. He has to be giving her the money, not her making any money! So no matter how passionate you are about working, because you are their wife, you will not work! However, the bible points us to the Proverbs 31 - a virtuous wife, who is useful in the household much to the glory of the husband.

One marriage is different from another, and there can never be a one size fits all solution to the many troubles of marriage. The challenge is in understanding that marriage is a play field, no rehearsal, chucked right into the game and we are expected to win! 

The idea of marriage is enthralling to many a young person, because the joy experienced of missing someone, yearning for someone, desiring to be in their presence is too tempting to walk away from a marriage proposition. Finally, one gets to spend eternity with that man/woman who made them fail to sleep on one too many occasions, indulging in that endless conversation that stretched into the wee hours of the morning. Indeed, why not marry the person and live forever in the intimate feel of these raging emotions of what we term LOVE? 

Fast forward to a year, five, ten later and you realise that innocent man and woman who walked down the aisle, if you managed to do that, are no longer the same.

The reality of marriage has molded them into another being, not easily recognizable. If it’s a good marriage, they exude a certain sweetness and confidence that was otherwise missing before. If it is a bad one, they have too many scars that draw every last bit of their smile, joy and gladness. They are surrounded by a dark cloud, many regrets raging their minds. 

Why would someone once so sweet and innocent be so exposed in an otherwise sacred institution called marriage? Why would that couple that looked promising and suited for each other be so broken in the marriage institution?
Indeed, there is only one constant factor in the whole marriage puzzle, and that is God!  

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