Monday, August 26, 2013

Peace, be still

This month, the major theme that has been recurring - Peace, be still

Taking a step of faith is really not a light or easy thing to do. Whenever one takes that step of faith, they need to be prepared for hardships, ones that will cause you to cry out "Teacher, don't you care about us? We are going to drown!" (Mark 4 vs 38, ERV).
I have realised that when we hit hard rock bottom, it is important to take stock and cause the author and finisher of our faith - Christ Jesus. Last year, we got a word of prophecy that we shall surely get married in 2013.

We had nothing and we took our step of faith, setting December 29 as the date for the Lobola. This day came, my fiance did come, but he was not able to get money that could pass out as Lobola money. The date was set again, for January 12, and again, not much came out of the event.

This was really shattering, and we kept going back to God to say, are you sure we ought to marry this year? We did not have the money requirement. I am employed with an average salary while my fiance is in full time ministry, with no church per say, but doing mostly voluntary work around the country. All we really have is God.

So, Jesus said to his disciples in the earlier verses, "come with me across the lake". More like, you shall wed this year. They got into the boat fair and fine, however, in the midst of the journey, Jesus slept and a storm arose. Yes, God has said we shall surely marry, but processes so far have done nothing but led to the brick wall. It is our desire to marry as well, and yes we really want this to happen yesterday, but then, there is the middle of the lake that we had not seen. to us, we left the shore, and because Jesus said lets go across, we are seeing our wedding done. We have absolutely nothing, and it is three months before the date we set. We still need to conclude the traditional rites, before our wedding date can be confirmed, and we are so BROKE.

It gets really tough, where we have asked God, until when father? At what point are we going to eventually say, our God did come through for us. We have struggled, surviving on the one salary. At times we would not even have funds to make movements. We can hardly raise a hundred dollars, yet for all we need, we could safely say US$ 20 000 will do. How are we going to do this? God knows.

It is easier to curse, than to bless. To say, "teacher, don't you care about us?" It is easy to ask, God are you really the one who spoke concerning our union in the first place? It is easy to say I am tired of the God I read about in the bible...

But, deep inside of us, we still believe that God will surely do it for us. We have nothing to point to except that we love each other and believe God is in it with us. He is the Alpha and Omega, nothing ab  out the middle mentioned, but better yet, he says, I will never leave you nor forsake you. He says there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ. His word reminds us that we are more than conquerors, that he who is in us is greater than he that is in the world. That a thousand may fall on my side and ten thousand on my right hand, but nothing will come near me. He tells me that it is well, the I should not be afraid, that it is Him.

We are trusting God for our marriage, despite two false starts. This time we took a leap of faith by setting a wedding date, booking a venue and involving others. We are praying, that God will take a hold of our hands and instruct the storm to calm for his supremacy. We believe the devil is so not happy with our union, the reason why we confidently approach the throne of grace for strength, courage and to continue holding on to his hem. We trust that all we are going through is for his glory, not ours.

It is therefore, the reason why we have said, we keep the date as it were and trust God for our finances. He spoke through his apostles, prophets, pastors and general people, that our wedding should take place this year. We are ready for this.

Let us pray

Father forgive us when we have cursed your name because of the storms of life. Thank you because you are with us through it all. Thank you that you have already set up our destiny and will hold our hands till we get there. We bless your name that you are well able to calm the storms that affect our lives. Help our faith Lord. We place all the plans in your hands, that father you may establish them, in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

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