Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Epic Love, Little Choices

Love plays itself out in what seems like such unremarkable ways - you pick up your socks, you ignore their snarky comment, you put the toilet seat down. But this is exactly what makes it epic - the fact that love plays itself out in a thousand little choices, unseen and without supporting soundtrack. That's what makes it so beautiful.

I'll run to the store. We can watch your show. Yes, you can dim the lights. No, I don't mind if you go out tonight. Would you like a little of my cookie?
We meet these moments every day. This morning, we had to get down to an event for which we were the keynote speakers. 

Stasi and I agreed last night we'd better leave the house at eight. It is now ten after and she's not ready; she's futzing in the bathroom. 

It's moments like these that reveal what fuels us. Hey, you were the one who said eight. Let's go. Why am I tweaked? What's with the compulsion, the anxiousness? Isn't it really about wanting to get on top of things, making sure we make a good impression? It is godless; I'm thinking about my reputation, not my wife's heart.

So, I sat at the kitchen table and finished my oatmeal, had a cup of tea. I simply waited until she came out and said, "I'm ready." I didn't even get in that little dig men savor - "Finally." These are the little choices we are making every day. We are learning to love...
-Love & War Participant's Guide, by John & Stasi Eldredge

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