Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Who is God to you?

Have you ever really wondered WHO God is to you?

Have you ever taken time to just sit down and consciously think through your life? Seeing all the things that have happened to you, and how they are linked to God?

Have you ever taken time to ask yourself why you are on this planet today? Why you are still alive when on a daily basis more than 3000 people die world over?

Have you ever thought of whether you make a difference in the community you stay, for the Glory of God?

How often have we acted in such ways that have made people bless the Lord?

Does not his word in Mathew 5 vs. 16 say ‘let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father, which is in heaven’ (NKJV)?

How often do we take time to thank God for the gift of life, which he gives to us freely?

How many times do we find ourselves running elsewhere for help, totally neglecting the one beside us?

Why do we worry our eyes out when we are faced with trouble?

Do we not know that God is the provider of all things?

Do we not know that God is the Alpha and the Omega?

Have we forgotten that God knows what we want even before we ask of it?

Why then do we panic when situations arise?

Why then do we turn our minds and hearts from God each time we get stuck?

Does he not tell us that our ways are not his ways?

Does not his word remind us to ‘seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these will be added unto you’ in Mathew 6 vs. 33?

What else do we need? What other proof are we in need of?

Is not God the creator of all?

Psalm 50

10For every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

11 I know all the fowls of the mountains, and the wild beasts of the fields are mine.

12 if I were hungry, I would not tell thee, for the world is mine, and the fullness thereof.

13 Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?

Does this not show us that God is worthy of our praise?

He does not need to consult us on anything. What he wills he takes. But more often than not, he gives us a rope, which rope we abuse. We forget where we come from.

We forget who God is to us.

We forget that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Christianity is a choice that you and I have to make, consciously.

Remember the word of God says ‘not all who say Lord; lord shall inherit the kingdom of God.

What are you?

Who are you?

Who is God to you?

What does God mean to you?

It is either you decide now which side you are on.

I believe in a God who knows everything, sees everything, and hears everything. No amount of privacy or secrecy is secret to God.

No amount of cheating is able to cheat God.

No amount of running can remove from before God all that we do.

This is not about the people around you. It is about you.

This is not about your mother or father, this is about you.

This has nothing to do with age; it is about the spirit in you.

This has nothing to do with the church you go to, it’s about the choices you make.

You can choose to love God and live by his statutes, or you can ignore him and live your life as you wish.

This is not even about what God wants you to do for him; it’s what HE wants to do FOR YOU!

Why should we run away from God’s blessing?

He offers and we run away from it.

He has laid all we need on the table and yet we cast our eye off his direction.

Ask yourself this; for whose benefit are you doing that which you are doing?


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