Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Power of a targeted prayer

Hey guys:-

When we pray, there are certain elements we ought to understand about the evil one. Did you know that Satan follows protocol?

If you weaken one element of his hierarchy, you weaken his power further. Okay, I know you may be asking, what are you talking about Yvonne?

I was at Pastor Chipunza's church yesterday evening at what they call the School of Deliverance at the Apostolic Flame Ministries, AFM.
He was talking of making targeted prayers - prayers that bind the spiritual powers in the satanic realm, covered in four stages, as explained by Ephesians chapter 6 vs 12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places".

it thus explains that we do not have to make apologetic, guilty prayers when we go before the throne of Grace, we have to make targeted prayers that binds the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places, while at the same time loosing our blessings that have been captured by these powers.

One element that became so real and that remained stuck at the back of my mind was that evil spirits are just the last things in the demonic realm. There is Satan at the higher level, demons as classified by the four levels and evil spirits. However, unlike God, who has the Son and the Holy Spirit, which work together and in agreement, the devil's is unlike the divine kingdom, which is all-powerful.

When an evil spirit is cast out, it retreats, but gets reinforced by the demons, such that when it returns to a person, it is much stronger. Am sure some of you have heard of people who had goblins and other such evil spirits, which were cast out, but returned with much force. It is because there was the ability to scare and chase away the evil spirit, but the powers, the principalities; the spiritual wickedness was not bound. Oh yes, please note I use bound, not cast away, because these too have power – though it can not be equated to that of God.

However, we have the power of God to bind these spiritual hosts up. In Mark 3 vs 27, Jesus says, No man can enter into a strongman’s house, and spoil his goods except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.

We have to do so, because for many of us, our blessings have been withheld by the powers, such that they do not get to us, so we need to fight to get what is ours. Thus the need for targeted prayer.

One thing God cannot do is to repent on his word. He is faithful all the time.

There is need to remember that we have been given power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and OVER ALL THE POWER of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt us.

We have the power to defeat the devil, because our God is MIGHTY TO SAVE.
We need to move away from carrying a victim mentality and praying like a victim and start to walk and claim our authority.

The moment we cast away the evil spirits and bind the demons, we have rendered satan wasted, and God victorious.

I know a lot of us have struggled with nasty dreams, bind the spirits behind such dreams in the name of Jesus Christ.

I understand you have a troublesome husband, bind the spirits, which lead him to such behaviour.

We have got to start pronouncing our victory, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray

Father God, you have given us authority over all powers of the enemy, thank you for making us realise how weak the devil is and how powerful you are. Once we weaken the powers of his lieutenants, we have weakened him, and this is possible through the blood of Jesus. Thank you Lord, for the reminder that we possess tremendous power in you. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I bind every spiritual power, principality, rulers of darkness and territorial spirits for they do not have any power in my growth and walk with you, in the name of Jesus, amen

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