Thursday, September 24, 2015

Celebrate God

This is an article from the September teachings I did on another platform for ladies. Please be blessed

Greetings Phenomenal women. What an honour and privilege it is to meet today on the Rhema Bible study. Are you not excited and celebrating God to be alive? This week's events for me have proved that indeed, we have loads of reason why we must celebrate God, always. I am thankful to God for everything. So should you be. I mean, are you not glad you are part of a community of believers? Where you know no matter the turnout of the day, you will be encouraged in the Lord. How wonderful to know that we have so many fellow disciples of Christ. I am reminded of Elijah. Having made a public spectacle of baal and his prophets, one word from Jezebel saw him fleeing the land and pleading with God that he may die.


Another extract... Be blessed
Good evening phenomenal women. What a privilege and honour to be able to break bread with you 
yet again. What grace! The word tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and 
all else will be added unto us.

Tonight I just want to challenge a phenomenal woman to look into her own life, ask the Holy Spirit to 
help you evaluate your life. Let us seek Godly ways in all we do.

That you are alive today and now should be reason
 enough to praise the Lord. It doesn’t mean 
you do not have problems, challenges or pressing 
issues. It doesn’t mean you don’t have 
seemingly unanswered prayers. Actually that’s the 
bulk of prayers. Neither does it mean your life 
is perfect. Our problem as humanity is our quest for 
excellence, but we forget that God makes 
everything good in the fullness of time.

You are God's beloved

I made this presentation on a group for phenomenal ladies during the month of September 2015. I pray that you will be blessed.

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Just a word of encouragement today to you. Remember the Lord's mercies are new every morning. No matter what you did, felt, thought, God wants us to be reconciled to him through Christ. No matter your possessions, your position, your connections, God is constant. He loves you as much as he loves the next person so stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop trying to be who you are not. You are special in your own way. You are who God says you are. That mind of yours need to get that.