Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Help me Lord

I have been feeling tired lately. Pitching up at home very late, sitting in the office till late, and I have been asking myself what for?

God I need your help!!

I am tired of a broken down home. I have held on, and I am still believing in your saving power Lord, but honestly speaking I am tired.

I don't know how long I can hold on father, I am only believing in you to bring the family back again. I am so lost, and I feel helpless, but I am holding on to your cloak because I have the confidence that hope in you does not dissapoint.

Your word always reminds me in 2 Corinthians 10 vs 3- 5 that though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. You say, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds; casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God: bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..

There are moments we have put up brave faces, and I will say to whoever listens, no bad thing can bring me down. No weapon fashioned against me and my family will prosper. I am more than a conqueror.

So it has been a number of years now, and when I felt and thought our family was coming back again together for good, my dad has totally moved out of the home and only occasionally visits my little sister. It is so disappointing.

I have asked God what my role is, and I am believing him to give me solutions to our issue. He fixes the broken homes. He restores my soul.

I know God can bring my mother and my father to him. He can save them, he will save them. Lord I am only believing you for their breakthrough.

I thank you for holding my hand, I need it Lord.


  1. Your steady faith in God will surely bring you peace. He tells us to be patient and allow Him to work in our lives but that is hard to do. Like a small child being led by her Father, hold His hand and trust that he never loses sight of you and knows exactly where you need to go. He will never leave your side, not for a second. I am struggling with an overwhelming family problem, too. How about we pray for each other? He will answer with the perfect answer in His time so we have to cling to hope.

  2. Hey, thank you for the encouragement. Indeed, we need to pray for our families, moreso everyone else's families because somewhere, everywhere, there are family feuds. At some stages, it hurts. Others have been able to endure and some have failed leading to broken down homes. for some, they have chosen to die rather than hope for better days, so it indeed, becomes important to share and pray with each other. remember the word of God says we should confess to one another and pray together so that we may be able to support each other. With you in Christ dear brethren. May the almighty help you and your family.
