Friday, July 8, 2011

Is Jesus a Lifeboat?

The Kingdom Way of Life Jesus was never meant to be a lifeboat. He's the ship. He's not Plan B. He's not what is going to work if all else fails. 

He is the ship. If we live our lives as though he is Plan B, we're not living the life God created us to live...

When we shield little compartments from God and make our own plans, we choose the lifeboat over the ship. We may fool ourselves into thinking the lifeboat is part of the ship and we're still with the ship, but we have opted for Plan B.

Do you trust Christ, or ... when the seas crash around you and the endless salt water streaks to your chin ... do you look for the logical?  Do you go for the lifeboat? It's called a lifeboat, after all. It only makes sense.

Or do you cling to the ship no matter what? Do you trust the Word of God and stay in the ship, even if it feels like it will break apart around you? Have you reached the point where you stepped back from the helm, threw up your hands, and fell into the arms of the Lord of the storm?

-The Well: Why Are So Many Still Thirsty?, by Mark Hall

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