Friday, May 20, 2011


So many things have been happening lately - and especially this week. Just the week of my birthday was a milestone I guess. I had a particular heaviness in me and today, I am happy, but this happiness is also mixed with some grief. If this office was empty right now, i would cry my heart out and scream for joy, at the same time, praising loudly my God for ever being so faithful.

It sounds crazy I know that one can be sad and excited, jovial, happy at the same time. Like I always tell myself, God has a plan for all of us. We might not know it but the plan is always there.

My friend texted me an amazing testimony and I just could not let my energy pass without expressing my first thoughts, my reaction and the thought that came after - that God is sooooooo Faithful!!

I try to imagine Peter when he was washing the nets in the boat and Jesus tells him to go in the deep for a catch. Most of us, if it were Jesus coming to us asking us to get back on the road and look for that job, we always have so many excuses - I have failed already, i am a failure. Nothing any of you tell me will help anyway?

Is that not what we do when that marriage seem to not to work, when that husband has been snatched from us? And Jesus says only believe what you ask, and verily I tell you, your husband is coming back, and you say - No, thats a lie. That will not happen!

True isn't it? That when you have had dissapointments after another by that girl or guy, you give up and say there is no way i am going to love again?

Or when you have made a grave mistake- fallen pregnant? failed and examination? lost that expensive watch your mom owns? Have an addiction you won't tell anyone about? How some of our young ones have fallen victims of suicide when they feel and think they have failed?

Now God is saying with your shame, come in the open and I will show you how to get a catch!

God turns the bad that happens into significant discoveries of his mercy, graciousness, love and fathfulness we could never anticipate - only if we are willing vessels.

Now Peter followed the instruction - simply because it was God's word at that time - and what he reaped and received was more that what anyone else could have given him.

Jesus has something sweeter that he wants to give to you because he wants you to experience life in abundance. There are times we have held on to that little money when God has asked you to give it for his service, and we have refused. At the end we have lost greater things and opportunities in our lives. I have done it before, and I know what it costs.

I know as I step out during this month, an amazing show of God's mighty power is going to be experienced. I know God has so many amazing stuff for everyone who sets to apply their all to him.

I have seen what diligence does, I have seen what sincerity does. I have seen what devotion and resilience does to a person. God is FAITHFUL. He will never promise what he can not deliver. He will not utter his wordds in vain. People, when God asks you to move in a particular direction, he knows what is best for you.

Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall soar like eagles.

Do not sit down and wait to be perfect for God to use you. Go before God in your weakness and God will use you and be made strong in your weakness.

So, today, even now, as you pray, remember God is faithful. God will always lift you up to places you never saw yourself in. If anything, God has control over your life. He only seek obedience.

Partial obedience is disobedience. If and when you apply yourself, do so wholeheartedly, and God will always be on your side.

Take care of you, and remember, God is faithful.

I know some may wonder why emphasis on his faithfulness, but it is because of who he is that we ought to praise, worship and glorify his name...

Lord Jesus we thank you for your truth because it is in your truth that we have life and life in abundance. Teach us Lord to follow your word and to listen to your voice when you speak to us. Teach us to always come back to you for direction in all we do, so that it is your will that we live for, in Jesus name, Amen.

God bless you..pray always and remember GOD IS FAITHFUL.

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