Ps 127:1Unless the Lord
builds the house, its builder’s labor in vain. NIV
Salt and pepper - two different yet complementing partners |
When two people enter a covenant called marriage, there are
always expectations – expressed or unexpressed. One of my bosses once said to
me, “You know what? Marriages normally start off on a false footing,” he said.
How so? I asked. His response got me thinking, is that where
the challenge of marriage begins or it develops over time? Is it some character
issue that was hidden from the other during courtship or it’s a character trait
that developed over time? Are our expectations for the other too high and
strict adherence to them would help one love better? Has society mis-trained
people to the extent of prematurely terminating marriages? Is marriage that
complicated and not as simple as previously thought? What went wrong, where?