Friday, August 24, 2012

Laughter, the best medicine...

Make Sure You’re Taking Your Medicine

A lot of the sickness in our world is simply because we don’t have the joy that we should. When we live uptight and on edge, it causes headaches, digestive problems, lack of energy. We don’t sleep well. Much of this would go away if we would just learn how to deal with the stress properly. One of the greatest stress relievers God has given us is laughter. Laughter is like taking medicine. It not only makes you feel better but it actually releases healing throughout your system. When we laugh it restores and rejuvenates what the pressures of life have taken out.
Proverbs 17:22 puts it like this, “A happy heart is like a good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing.” Notice, when we’re good-natured and full of joy, taking time to laugh, taking time to play, it’s like taking a good medicine. That’s what helps us to stay healthy. In fact, medical science tells us that people that laugh, it boosts their immune system. Laughter reduces blood pressure. People that laugh regularly are 40% less likely to have a heart attack than people that don’t laugh regularly. Laughter triggers the right side of the brain, which helps release creativity, helps us to make better decisions. Laughter activates the body’s natural tranquilizers that not only help us to calm down but it helps us to sleep better.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don’t Be Limited By a Lack of Faith

So today I literally spend my day going through articles on Joel Osteen's web page, and tell you what, everything on that page spoke to me, my situation and situations of others I know, so i started parcelling out some highlights to my fiance and he kept asking, "were are you getting all this stuff?? its amazing babes, so so amazing".

kikikiki, I am still to tell him which site, but the excitement it generated in him prompted me to just think: How often do we get stuff that we share with others, online, in person or via sms? It is important that we begin to share the word of God, even through the blogs so that they may impact someone else's life out there.

We are all ambassadors of God's kingdom. Let us begin to live the life we were called to live. It takes a face of courage and a step of faith to accomplish much in the kingdom. you have a role, play it and our graceful God has a guaranteed place for you in the next kingdom.
Enjoy the article below and be blessed...
A woman shopping in Houston happily hummed a tune as she collected the items she wished to purchase and approached the cashier. The clerk just stared at her for a long moment, as though wondering what was wrong with her, offering an obligatory, “How are you doing today?”
Dont Believe That Lie
That’s all it took. The woman nearly bubbled over. “How nice of you to ask! I’m doing great. I am so blessed!”

Find Somebody to Be Good to Every Day

Oh wow, God is amazing. I am making a step towards living a more practical life.

Be blessed by the following Joel Osteen article on his website...

I wonder what our world would be like if each of us would find somebody to be good to every day. What would our city be like? What would our offices be like? What would our schools be like if we made it a priority to brighten somebody else’s day? Scripture teaches “Every opportunity we have we should do good to people” (see Galatians 6:10). That means we need to be on the lookout. We need to be proactive. We need to have the mindset of, “Who can I bless today?” “For whom can I do a favor?” You can’t just sit back and wait for the need to come to you. You have to go after it.
The Scripture says that in the last days the love of the great body of people will grow cold (see 2 Timothy 3:1–8). That simply means that people will be so busy, they’ll be so focused on their own needs, they’ll be so caught up in their drive for success that they won’t take time to make a difference.

We Can Control What We Put Into Our Mouths


Just Today, I went through the article below on Joel Osteen's webpage and I realise that the problem of unhealthy eating habits is not only located in the USA, I too, a woman from Zimbabwe, is faced with a challenge of just being healthier. There has been a proliferation of fast food chains in the country and how people flock to these. I was just laughing at myself with how much I love to taste the TN snack and Chicken Inn, then say I want to lose weight, gees, it is going to take a lot of will power to change the life style. Apples are so good, so are bananas, oranges and other fruits available in our yards.

How then do we live in our God given purposes if we are not healthy? God needs his warriors on call all the time, let us be ready, spiritually and also physically so that you are better prepared to deal with situations at hand.

Remember, you are a solution to the world's problem.

Below is the article from Pastor Joel Osteen's site...

There are a lot of things that we cannot control in life. We cannot control the weather, the air that we breathe and we can’t control the people around us. But we can control what we put into our mouths. Many people don’t realize today the reason they don’t feel well and the reason they don’t have any energy. They’re dealing with headaches and allergies and sometimes even more serious, chronic illnesses, simply because of what they’re putting into their system everyday.

Sacrificial giving moves God

We hardly sacrifice, yet we want others to sacrifice for us. Even God sacrificed his only begotten son, so that the world may be saved. Today, we are being reminded to sacrifice those things we treasurer most in order to serve God, cause we stand a danger of losing focus of our object of praise.
The reason we do not give is because we are afraid to lose what we already have in hand. It is as if we are asking can I really give up this. What if I do not get anything in return? We are so concerned about our tomorrow, but God is saying that which we are holding is just a fraction of what he can do for us. When he asks us to give him or when we are confronted with a situation where we have to give, we hold back because of the fear of the unknown, our failure to trust God with the move, to trust that since he takes care of everything else on this planet he wll be able to take care of our needs!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The seemingly unreasonable will of God

Psalm 88

There are moments as humans were we have failed God. We have managed to do everything that God doesn’t represent. In times when we have all things, we honour and praise God. But when we are faced with a challenge, we start to backslide. Or rather, when we have nothing we honour and praise God sincerely, but the moment we get blessed, we lose our focus, and we cut ourselves from the vine.

We might not necessarily be the most immoral people around, and we might not have committed murder, but the idea of staying away from everything God represents is not only disastrous, but it is the most hollowing feeling one gets to carry for a long time. We are privileged as Christians to live in this realization that it is either we trust in God no matter the circumstances or we fall into our doom and gloom.

Our life is one puzzle that we could never comprehend. God did not just command our presence, he made us. He took his time to consult and say “let us make a man in our own image”. With everything else, he merely commanded, but with man, he made.

The bad I do not want to do, I do

Scripture references: Psalm 119 vs. 1 – 8
Genesis 3 vs. 4 – 12
Romans 7 vs. 14- 22
1 Corinthians 3 vs. 16 – 21

There are those times when we need to look into the mirror of our lives and ponder if our physical beings speak anything of our spiritual standing?

From the way we dress, eat, speak, walk, and interact.

Each time I am confronted by the reality that half the time my physical being does not correspond with the desires of the spiritual. However, I am glad that I do take time to make a reflection, because through this, I can work on making me a better somebody.

Do we have a relationship with God?

Psalm 91
Job 1 vs. 6-22
Colossians 3 vs 1 - 6

The reason why emphasis even in church should be on relationship as opposed to religion is how we conduct ourselves as Christians outside of our churches. We act so badly that people do not even understand the essence of your going to church, or claims of being a Christian.

Are you a disciple of God, or are you so much into who is watching me?

So many Christians in the world want to be associated with Christianity, but so few of us are concentrating on following the moral nature of the relationship. We are hypocrites in deed, but wherever we walk, we want people to recognise us as Christians.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Living a life of purpose opportunity lost in the world today
Living in the fast lanes of today’s life has robbed a lot of people of their opportunity to live out their full potential which would have aided development in not only their lives, but the lives of those that live around them.
Purposeless living has become a fashionable style of life yet has robbed many of fully living their lives the world over.
In Zimbabwe for instance, the economy is stable, but far from growing. The industries lie idle as though there are no brains in Zimbabwe to awaken these. The land is dormant, waiting for a time when farmers put hoe to ground. The people wander about as if lost in an interminable jungle, and the question that boomerangs is, why?
The answer is simple: people either do not know what their purpose in life is, have a lot on their plate to know what they want exactly or are waiting for someone to simply point them in their direction.
That is why there is a new mission in Zimbabwe – the Purpose Empowerment Global Mission (PEGLOM).

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Greater Yes

As taken from connected to christ... I would love to watch this movie.

Movie Synopsis
After climbing Pampa High School’s popularity chain, taking her volleyball team to the State championship and founding the school’s first drugs, alcohol, and violence-free club, Amy Newhouse must now fight the biggest battle of her life – cancer.
Her open heart to the people of her school now sparks a passionate rally from the community around her.

However, this passion dwindles as her cancer metastasizes. Her cancer appears to miraculously heal, but just as it seems the community has prevailed and the battle won, Amy discovers the deadly disease has returned and is incurable.